Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ideas for research

Looking at engagement: how to measure it?!

Control group: survey students to determine if they have a "loss of time": ask how long lecture was
Study: survey students to determine if they have a "loss of time": ask how long they played game
Survey and control: Pre and Post test .. Given in same format

Control group/sample group:
100 HS students (equal gender in each) in lecture based class/ 100 students in game-based class

Quantative Analysis:
students are measured based on surveys for loss of time (engagement), Pre and post test (engagement)

Qualitative analyze:
control: observation of students during lecture
study: observation of students During game play

both: same questions asked in each group and run analysis


Lindax said...




Start with a consideration of methodology. That's like holding a box and saying what can I put in here.

Start with an observation, from experience and/or literature.

Then work toward an answerable question.

THEN...consider best meth.

Holly said...


thanks for feedback.. :)

back to the drawing board